De Ruyter Book Strikes a Chord

Former Eskom CEO has penned a blistering assessment of the ruling party’s practices that have severely affected South Africa’s economy. Truth to Power, written by Andre de Ruyter, is not the first book to shed light on South Africa’s political and economic problems under the ANC. However, it hits close to home because of...

Expert Advice for Parents On Child Theft

Finding out that your child has stolen something can be a distressing experience for any parent. Understandably, it raises a myriad of concerns, from questioning your parenting approach to worrying about the implications for your child’s future. However, before jumping to conclusions, it’s crucial to delve into the possible reasons behind this behavior. Understanding...

A Guide To Managing Your Kids’ Screen Time Effectively

When it comes to your child’s development, screen time might seem like a minor detail in the grand tapestry of their lives. But the waves it creates, if left unchecked, can have profound implications for their future. Drawing from the insights of the previous article, let’s delve deeper into the potential long-term impacts if...