Causes and Solutions For Your Bean Bloating

Let’s dive into the science behind why that hearty bowl of beans might leave you feeling a little more gassy than you’d prefer. Today, we’re uncovering the secrets of these musical fruits and the curious culprits causing that unwanted gas. The Sugar Conundrum Ever wondered why beans seem to have this notorious reputation for...

Is ‘Pull and Pray’ as Effective as Using a Condom?

The “withdrawal method”, or as it’s colloquially referred to, the “pull and pray” method, has been practiced for millennia, yet many still misunderstand its effectiveness in preventing pregnancies. Let’s break down the details for you. According to Dr. John Guillebaud, author of “Contraception: Your Questions Answered”, populations, where the withdrawal method is prominently used,...

The Troubled And Gruesome Past of Postal Services

Have you ever encountered that one coworker who seems to embody all things unpleasant? The individual who constantly grumbles, avoids social interaction, and frequently underperforms? The term “going postal” likely comes to mind. While this phrase has become synonymous with sudden outbursts of workplace violence, few understand its origins. Since 1970, a series of...