The Evolution of Alcohol ‘Proof’

So, What Does It Mean and How Did We Land on This Term? Flashback to England in the early 1600s. The term “proof” wasn’t as much about ensuring your Friday night drink was up to snuff as it was about the taxman getting his due. That’s right – alcohol, termed “proof spirits”, came with...

1998: The Epitome of Gaming Excellence and Innovation

If you asked various experts in the entertainment field to pinpoint the golden year for their respective industries, you’d likely receive a plethora of different answers. Unlike the film industry, which has no definitive consensus on its greatest year, the landscape of video games seems to coalesce around the resounding declaration of 1998 as...

The Enigmatic World of Leased Pandas

In the intricate world of zoo diplomacy, the story of leased giant pandas unfolds with surprising complexities. Let’s explore the captivating history behind the symbolic creatures known as China’s ambassadors. In the early days of zoo diplomacy, China generously gifted giant pandas to various nations, fostering international relationships. However, as the dynamics evolved, China...