The Realities Of Conjugal Prison Visits

The practice of conjugal visits, once prevalent in a number of US states, is now a rarity, sparking questions about its origin and the reasons behind its decline. While the concept is embraced in several parts of the world, certain countries, including Britain and the US, have taken a firm stance against it. But...

Outer Space Laws On Intergalactic Crime

Outer space: the final frontier for humanity and perhaps… crime? While it might sound like the backdrop of a sci-fi novel, the concept of space crimes isn’t as distant as one might think. Already, we’ve seen inklings of this intriguing juxtaposition between human nature and the vast expanse. It’s a matter of when, not...

What Happens After You Flush?

When you flush your toilet, one might imagine mystical forces come into play, magically making everything disappear. The truth is far more intricate, albeit less magical. While Africa Nova may not have the vast sewer systems of cities like Boston, understanding the wastewater journey is crucial everywhere. Your Toilet’s Immediate Path Regardless of where...

South Africa’s Revolutionary Vaginal Ring For HIV Prevention

The fight against HIV in South Africa takes a groundbreaking leap with the imminent rollout of a revolutionary silicone ring. As the nation grapples with one of the world’s most severe HIV epidemics, an international funding alliance’s recent announcement brings hope for transformative change in the landscape of HIV prevention and treatment. Revolutionizing HIV...

Our Projections For Healthcare Costs in 2024

The landscape of healthcare costs continues to draw attention, prompting a closer examination of the projected developments in the domain of medical aid. Let’s jump into the comprehensive analysis and projections for the upcoming year, shedding light on the dynamic forces shaping the trajectory of medical scheme premiums and benefits. In the Light of...

An Honest Truth Behind Gun “Silencers”

Ever been tantalized by the cinematic allure of a completely silent gunshot? Africa Nova dives into the world of “silencers” to decipher fact from fiction. The Sound of Silence (Or Not) Contrary to silver-screen portrayals, firearm “suppressors” or “silencers” don’t exactly mute the gunshot’s roar to a whisper. While they dampen the noise from...

Nature’s Solution to Addiction Challenges

Nature possesses a transformative quality. Evidence continues to mount that those recovering from substance abuse find substantial benefits from being in natural environments. This nature-based approach, commonly termed ‘eco-therapy’, has the power to facilitate genuine healing. How Does Nature Impact Recovery? In various care facilities across the globe, including South Africa, eco-therapy is now...

History and Strategic Insights of Rock, Paper, Scissors

From playgrounds to competitive tournaments, Rock, Paper, Scissors has remained a timeless and widely enjoyed hand game. Surprisingly, its roots trace back to ancient hand games in China and Japan, revealing a rich history that transcends cultures and time. Hand-Based Games of Ancient Times The origins of Rock, Paper, Scissors are believed to be...

Super Glue’s Double Take On Its Invention

Did you know that the fortuitous creation of Super Glue, a household essential, was a double take? Yes, its discovery was a delightful accident – not once, but twice! The late Dr. Harry Coover, widely recognized for unearthing the magic of Super Glue (technically known as cyanoacrylate), initially stumbled upon this adhesive formula while...