Saving Loved Ones from a Cult Influence

Joining a cult is never someone’s first goal. It appears at first that the group will achieve a goal or fulfill a need. At least to some extent, it seems to work at first for the majority of people. A recent documentary on Netflix followed members of the Twin Flames Universe community as they...

Busting Calorie Myths for Lasting Weight Loss

A common piece of advice for anyone looking to shed pounds is the age-old “calories in, calories out” principle: if you increase your energy expenditure relative to your caloric intake, the excess weight will melt away. You can understand the allure of reducing weight loss to a mathematical formula: If you follow the formula,...

How To Stay Safe & Energized With This Outdoor Heat Prep

Exercise and other outdoor pursuits are becoming more difficult as a result of global warming. Our ability to withstand a rise in core body temperature is, in fact, quite limited. A mere three-degree Celsius increase in core temperature can be fatal, even for young, healthy adults. Being physically active in hot weather can cause...