Solar Power Could Erase Five Stages of Load Shedding in SA

Benefiting from the Untapped Potential of Rooftop Areas The South African commercial real estate sector has the potential to end load shedding during daylight hours across the country. Gmaven, a provider of commercial real estate software and data services, did a study that found this sector can solve the problem of load shedding and...

GreenWish Partners Ignite Senegal’s Renewable Energy Sector

GreenWish Partners, a renewable energy company committed to promoting sustainable economic growth in Africa, has been a game-changer for Senegal’s energy sector. They recently unveiled a groundbreaking project, the Santhiou Mékhé solar plant, marking an important milestone in the history of West Africa’s renewable energy journey. Setting the Sun on Fossil Fuels GreenWish’s Senergy...

Medium-scale Farms Are on the Rise in Africa

Most African farm households are seeing the gradual sub-division of their land, driven by population increase and growing land shortages. The average size of farms is shrinking with time. Over 80% of farms in nations with a high population density are less than one hectare in size today. These countries include Kenya, Ethiopia, Malawi,...

How Africa’s Eco-Innovations are Transforming the Economy

In the beautiful continent of Africa, sustainable economic growth is not just a buzzword, it’s a transformative reality unfolding right before our eyes. One such transformation is happening in the heart of Kenya, driven by a groundbreaking company called M-KOPA Solar. Their mission is simple yet powerful: to make renewable energy accessible to millions...

Energy Efficient Home Solutions

When was the last time you thought about home lighting? If you live in an old house with outdated electrical and lighting systems, you should consider remodelling now. Electricity in Finland was cheap in the 20th century, but the extra costs make electricity bills skyrocket. Lighting is one of the things that can drive...

How To Save Energy In Commercial Buildings

What buildings use a lot of energy? Large commercial buildings like factories, offices, warehouses, hospitals, and shopping malls use a lot of energy due to their size and function. Saving energy in commercial buildings isn’t as costly as you might think. This blog discusses the best ways to save energy in your business and...