The Papua New Guinea Epidemic

In the picturesque terrains of Papua New Guinea, the Fore people had lived harmoniously for centuries. However, in the 20th century, they became the epicenter of a terrifying neurological epidemic called Kuru, a name that invokes trembling. 1. An Enigmatic Epidemic Symptoms began subtly: headaches, joint pain, tremors, progressing to uncoordinated movements, uncontrollable laughter,...

Untangling Stork Legends With Insights and Symbolism

Today, the enigmatic connection between storks and the arrival of newborns has taken on a new light. The folklore of a stork gracing a family’s doorstep with a precious bundle has long captured the imagination of generations, weaving a tale of wonder and hope for little ones. Across ancient mythologies, the stork has embodied...

Unearthing the Truth Behind Vagina Wigs in History

Sometimes referred to as a “vagina wig,” the term “merkin” in the Oxford English Dictionary is defined as an artificial covering for the female pubic region. Despite the current trend of meticulous grooming and waxing, the use of merkins has a history dating back at least five centuries, making it far from a modern...

An Eidetic Investigation Of Photographic Memory

In 1929 Moscow, an observant newspaper editor realized reporter Solomon Shereshevsky never jotted down notes. Why? Shereshevsky had a remarkable gift — he could remember virtually everything. This intrigue led to an appointment with neurologist Alexander Luria. Over 15 years, Luria presented Shereshevsky (referred to as “S”) with increasingly challenging memory exercises. Luria’s verdict...

Tupperware’s Inspiring Odyssey

A Surprising Ingredient In 1945, Earl Tupper sought plastic resin from Bakelite, but due to scarcity, was handed a polyethylene slag – a dense, rubbery waste from petroleum refining. Although discarded by companies like DuPont and Bakelite, this “black gold” held immense potential for Tupper. Revolutionizing Food Storage Before the advent of Tupperware, food...

High-Stakes Bets in History

From anonymous high-rollers to legendary bettors, history has seen some incredibly audacious wagers. One of the biggest mysteries in the gambling world, however, is pinpointing the largest single wager ever placed. And here’s why: While the 2018 Super Bowl saw an unidentified bettor placing a hefty wager on the Philadelphia Eagles at the MGM...

The Story Behind Bed Bugs And Sleeping Tight

As a child, few things chilled my spine like the caution, “Sleep tight, don’t let the bedbugs bite.” Discovering the reality of these elusive creatures lurking in my bed was genuinely unnerving. How did this phrase come about, and when did bed bugs first start feasting on human blood? The bed bug, scientifically known...

The Inventor of Nachos and Golden Chips

Amid the tranquil ambiance of Saratoga Springs in 1853, the birthplace of the renowned potato chip was shrouded in legend. Situated by the picturesque Saratoga Lake, Cary Moon’s Lake House welcomed tourists and affluent patrons. Among the talented culinary minds in the kitchen was the skilled George Crum, a man of Native American and...

The Troubled And Gruesome Past of Postal Services

Have you ever encountered that one coworker who seems to embody all things unpleasant? The individual who constantly grumbles, avoids social interaction, and frequently underperforms? The term “going postal” likely comes to mind. While this phrase has become synonymous with sudden outbursts of workplace violence, few understand its origins. Since 1970, a series of...