Why Salt Boosts Flavour In Your Dishes

Have you ever wondered why a pinch of salt can transform a dish from average to extraordinary? Let’s uncover the science behind this culinary phenomenon. It’s essential to note that “saltiness” is one of the primary basic flavors detected by our taste buds, alongside bitter, sweet, sour, and umami. Salt has the remarkable ability...

The Papua New Guinea Epidemic

In the picturesque terrains of Papua New Guinea, the Fore people had lived harmoniously for centuries. However, in the 20th century, they became the epicenter of a terrifying neurological epidemic called Kuru, a name that invokes trembling. 1. An Enigmatic Epidemic Symptoms began subtly: headaches, joint pain, tremors, progressing to uncoordinated movements, uncontrollable laughter,...

How to Prepare For A C-Section as an Expectant Parent

Amidst the wealth of pregnancy advice, discussions about the nuances of cesarean sections can often be overlooked. Whether it’s a planned procedure or an unexpected requirement, understanding the essentials of cesarean delivery is crucial for informed decision-making and emotional preparedness. Why Cesareans Happen Cesarean sections, although commonly performed for medical emergencies, can also be...

Is The Baboon Heart in Baby Fae A Medical Miracle or Ethical Misstep?

When South African surgeon Christiaan Barnard performed the world’s first human heart transplant in 1967, it changed medicine forever. Fast forward a few years, and we come across a gripping story from Barstow Hospital. A young baby, Stephanie Fae Beauclair, affectionately known as Baby Fae, was diagnosed with a rare heart condition. With a...

Understanding The Causes, Symptoms, and Prevention Of Sepsis

Well-known South African TV figure Derek Watts recently battled sepsis, shocking fans with news that he’d have to relearn walking. This harrowing condition, where the body’s response to infection goes into overdrive, can lead to severe complications, even death. Ina Skosana from The Conversation Africa delves into sepsis, drawing insights from pathologists at the...

A Glimpse into Historical Dentistry

Oral health took center stage in 2012, with a strong emphasis on brushing after meals, regular dental visits, and early intervention. This, however, wasn’t always our reality. Dentistry’s evolution, while significant, sometimes stands overshadowed by other scientific advancements. The ancient Indus Valley Civilization, tracing back to nearly 7000 B.C., provides some of the earliest...

The Immunity-Endometriosis Link

Endometriosis is no stranger to many, affecting roughly 10% of women globally. It’s a painful condition that doesn’t only affect the body but also the spirit. Imagine chronic exhaustion paired with discomfort during intimate moments. Such is the reality for many women. In an age where we’ve made significant medical strides, it’s baffling how...

When Cancers Jump Between Species

Cancer, as defined by Cancer.gov, is the rapid and uncontrollable division of abnormal cells that can invade neighboring tissues. The ability of these rogue cells to travel and conquer other parts of a body raises a curious question: Can they leap from one living being to another? The story starts with our marsupial friend...

Promoting Sobriety for Healthy Pregnancy Outcomes

In many cultures, the responsibility for an unborn child’s well-being falls primarily on the pregnant woman. Advised by the UK’s top medical officer, pregnant women are cautioned against alcohol consumption, owing to its association with increased risks of abortion and fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD). However, recent studies reveal that not all women adhere...